Please wear activity uniform (Also known as Class B, or scout T-shirt)
Packing list for summer camp.
Camporee Patches pass out & recommend activities for next year’s camporee.
Deliver fliers for Primary activity to houses in Kleinwood.
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Campsite Inspection
Activity Uniform (‘Class B’) is appropriate dress.
Useful camp gadgets for summer camp, we need a new gadget each day as part of campsite inspections.
- United States Flag Is it displayed? Is it displayed properly?
- Unit Identification Is the unit flag or other appropriate insignia bearing unit numbers easily seen?
- Tent Appearance Are tents pitched properly? No tent ropes tied to trees, shelters, or other tents. Are all the tents in the campsite consistent in appearance (either all open or all closed)?
- Clean Tents Are the tents neat and clean? Is personal gear stored out of the aisles of the tent and food is not in the tent for animals? Are there any clotheslines in the tents?
- Clean Campsite Area Is the campsite area clean? Is there trash in the campsite?
- Fireguard Chart The unit’s fireguard chart must be filled out and displayed on the campsite’s bulletin board.
- Safety Hazards No hazardous objects in the area; tools are stored properly when not in use.
- First Aid Kit Is the unit first aid kit marked, clearly displayed, and readily accessible for the Scouts?
- Vehicles No unauthorized vehicles are allowed in the campsite. All authorized vehicles must display a permit.
- Recycling Aluminum cans and plastic sorted
- Latrine The latrine must be reasonably clean. Is there adequate paper and soap available?
- Bonus Points Does the unit have a unique gateway or other camp gadgets that would require Scouts to use their Scoutcraft skills?
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